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surprigingly good
Not only is matcha one of the tastiest kinds of tea but also has plenty of health benefits.
Here are some reasons why you should have matcha today:
Rich in antioxidants
The antioxidant polyphenols in matcha protects you against heart disease,
cancer, high blood pressure and helps

Manage weight
Fibres and essential vitamins including vitamin C, zinc and magnesium found in matcha improve digestion and metabolism.

Enhances memory and concentration
Acording to clinical studies, matcha's combination of L-theanine and caffeine boost mental cognitive skills
and improves your memory.

Calming effects
Matcha calms the mind and relaxes the body with
its combination of caffeine and theanine.

Increases energy and stamina
Matcha’s high levels of L-Theanin boosts
endurance without causing any significant highs or

Matcha contains a high level of chlorophill -
a natural detoxifyer that helps flush heavy
metals and other toxins from the body.